Hi, I'm Kimberly!

I’m Kimberly Richardson, a Hormone Health Pharmacist helping women optimize their hormones and feel calm, confident, and energetic in their 40’s and beyond!

Many times prescription medications are used as band-aids. As a pharmacist, I see it every day!

But what if we changed our focus from treating the symptoms to discovering the root cause?

If you’re ready to begin your journey to better hormone health, then let me help you write YOUR Healthy Rx for Life!


  • Doctor of Pharmacy – Mercer University College of Pharmacy, Atlanta GA
  • AFMC Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner – School of Applied Functional Medicine

Additional Certifications

  • Certified Primary Care Pharmacist – University of Tennessee
  • Certified Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT) Provider – BHRT Provider Training Program
  • Certified Health Coach – American Council of Exercise
  • Certified Diabetes Specialist – American Pharmacist Association

sound familiar?

When I hit my forties, everything seemed to change.

I was working a stressful job as a retail pharmacist, taking care of my elderly mother with dementia, and trying to find the time to be there for my significant other, Travis (who, bless his heart, remained loving and supportive, even when I would bite his head off for no reason!).

I found myself getting stressed out more easily and snapping at my family and colleagues. Not only that, my energy levels seemed to tank, I gained 20 pounds for seemingly no reason, and my mood swings were all over the map.

I was doing everything I could to hold it together, but I knew something just wasn’t right.

So I went to my primary care physician who ran some labs, and gave me the news….

Everything was normal.

But I didn’t FEEL normal. I may have looked fine on the outside, but on the inside I was struggling!

Unfortunately, this happens all too often to women in perimenopause.

Either we are told nothing is wrong, that feeling like this was is just a normal part of life – or worse, we’re given a handful of prescription medications in order to deal with the symptoms.

but here's the thing...

Your 40's are a critical time for the prediction of future health

That means that any small health issues, if not addressed, can amplify into larger and more permanent health issues later on in life. 

In fact, perimenopause gives you an important window of opportunity to make small changes that can reap HUGE benefits in your future health! 

Change is possible

My signature process is designed to help you optimize your hormones and feel calm, confident and energetic in your 40’s and beyond!

You see, the prescription for a healthy life is not a fad diet, a quick fix, or even a pill you can take.

It’s about making healthy and sustainable lifestyle upgrades that fit YOUR unique needs and goals.

You CAN thrive through perimenopause. Let me show you how!

Kimberly Richardson

get personalized support

Book a Consult

Frustrated with weight gain, bloating, low energy, mood swings, hot flashes, and/or sleepless nights?

Get a customized hormone health plan designed to fit YOUR unique needs and goals!
